Last week we were invited by KOTRA (Korean Trade Investment Promotion Agency) to the Korean Product Plaza at the World Trade Center in Amsterdam to meet new Korean beauty brands and their innovative products. Most of these brands are so new that even we have never heard of them before so let us introduce them to you today!
We arrived in sunny Amsterdam (it was the first real spring day!) around noon and were received by the kind Ms. Haelim who showed us around. Ms. Haelim is really passionate about Korean beauty as well and she and her collegeus curated the brands themselves to guarantee great quality. I will tell you about three of these brands in our blogpost today however you can see all of the brands in our two-part vlog
The first brand I will introduce to you is Abib. Abib was one of my favorite brands I saw that day and they have really clean aesthetic packaging. It’s perfect for those of you who are really active on social media and love making pictures of sophisticated packaging. The word ‘Abib’ is derived from the word grain and signifies to their philosophy of perfection and purity. We received one of their masks which is called the Gummy Sheet Mask Milk sticker. Some of you already saw my vlog and messaged me about the pricing levels of the brand so I did a little more research. Below I included three popular products of each brand and their estimated prices. Please let me know if you would be interested in the products based on the information we provided.
🇰KRW: 34,000
🇪EURO: 27,-
🇰KRW: 4,000
🇪EURO: 2,99,-
🇰KRW: 21,000
🇪EURO: 16,99
Wonjin Effect
Wonjin Effect is a brand made by the biggest Korean cosmetic surgery company and their brand story focuses on. The packaging is really cute (Etude House level cute!) and I feel like you pink ladies will defintly love this. We received two of their masks which are the 3-step Water Bomb Mask and the Honey Bomb Mask. I personally feel that these would be great from travelling: they have a toner, ampoule and mask all in one so for short trips you would just trow that in your bag and you are done!
🇰KRW: 38,000
🇪EURO: 30,-
🇰KRW: 48,000
🇪EURO: 38,-
🇰KRW: 3500
🇪EURO: 2,99
If you love unique masks Kocorium is for you! I fell for this brand as soon as I saw this cute ‘Couple’s Pack’ which are two masks in one package so you can use one for yourself and one for your boyfriend / girlfriend / mother / sister/ brother. The packaging is so cute and they have a wide variety of unique sheetmasks including a coconut & hyaluronic acid one which I was really attracted to. Am I the only one which has a never ending love for coconut? Some of the prices of the Kocorium masks changed on their website so we weren’t really sure about the definite prices and therefore haven’t included them.

In total we have 10 new brands we are considering to bring to our assortment. Check out our video for the other brands and to see what we did at the Korean Product Plaza! Please note that these prices mentioned are not definite and we are not responsible for any change in pricing.
Big thank you to Ms. Haelim for introducing us to these interesting new brands! Which of these brands did you find most interesting? Shall we bring them to Europe? Please let us know in the comments how you feel about these brands!

Thank you for reading!
Really nice list Wish I could try any of them especially the Abib facial soap! I can’t find any store shipping them to Europe ㅠㅠ
Hi Shali,
Thank you for your sweet comment. It is very unlikely you will see Abib products available in Europe since they haven’t applied their products yet for an EU certificate. Unfortunately when they haven’t completed this process yet, we aren’t allowed to sell or distribute the products in Europe 🙁